AHCSD Desert Drive, March 18
By Roland Wilhelmy, Photos by Bob Kitterer, Udo Putzke & Loreen
Wilhelmy |
The ride worked out pretty well, though not exactly tightly organized.
We assembled 11 cars at the parking lot and proceeded to Dudleyís, led
by Udo.

(Photos by Bob Kitterer)
Warren was there, but begged off having to do the organizing and leading.
From Dudleyís, Loreen and I led the group through Ranchita and down to
Borrego Valley.
(Photo by Udo Putzke)
First we followed the recommended route to view wildflowers. They weren't
outstanding but they were there, and we got pix.
Udo found a flower, anyway
(Photo by Loreen Wilhelmy)
Then we retreated for lunch. We all ended up in one restaurant. The
setting was OK and so was the food, but it took one table of us (the one
I was at) an hour and 45 minutes to get and eat a sandwich, so we probably
won't be going back there anytime soon.
(Photo by Loreen Wilhelmy)
Then we trooped back on S3 to Highway 78 West to Scissors Crossing.
There, half went up the Banner Grade on 78 and our half went up S2 back
to Highway 79. We split further at Lake Henshaw.

(Photos by Bob Kitterer)
The scenery was very good, with green hills, trees beginning to leaf
out or re-leaf, and some flowers here and there. Traffic wasn't bad on
the way out but heavy and slower (50 mph) on the way back. It was good
outing for the cars, with no breakdowns so far as I know. There were some
sunburns, though.
All in all, I think this was probably the right time for a Healey tour
to Borrego even if the flowers weren't at their peak. The weather was just
about perfect everywhere. In Ranchita at 4100 feet the air had a little
nip and in Borrego Valley the sun had a little authority, but it was about
as perfect weather as one could ask for. |