Healey Hearsay Advertisers
Absolutely British | British Wiring, Inc. | Coast Car Covers
Foreign Speedo, Inc. | Heritage Motorsports
Moss Motors, Ltd. | Putzke's Fahrspass | Quality Inspection Service
StreetSmart Vehicle Protection Center | Advertising Rates & Info

Absolutely British

British Wiring, Inc.

Coast Car Covers

Foreign Speedo, Inc.

Heritage Motorsports

Moss Motors, Ltd.

Putzke's Fahrspass
BILSTEIN shock absorber kit for Austin-Healey 100/100-6/3000
Electronic Ignitions, Custom Car Bras, Plastic Knock-Off Hammers, Polyurethane Busings

13809 Eisenhower Ave., Poway, CA 92064
Phone & Fax: USA (858) 486-3870
E-Mail: putzkes@worldnet.att.net

Quality Inspection Service

StreetSmart Vehicle Protection Center


Ads may be placed any time. Annual display ad rates are as follows:
Full page/back cover: $100.00 per year
Half page: $75.00 per year
Quarter page: $50.00 per year
Business card: $30.00 per year
All advertising must be received by the editor no later than the 20th of each month for publication in the next monthís print issue. Material may be e-mailed to the Editor, or mailed to the club at:
Austin-Healey Club of San Diego
P.O. Box 17101
San Diego, CA 92117